Our mission:

- to provide organic vegetables that are not currently available in this area.
- to provide organic vegetables and possibly some fruit at a less expensive price.
- to provide a variety of vegetables that can feed a family at mealtimes.

Financial information

December 10th: 7x$73= $511 Deposit of Money from 7 members
December 15th: 5x$73= $365 Deposit of money from 4 other members plus mine.
Total income 4 week period: $876 (840 for produce, 36 for membership fee)

December 8th: $25 for filing Certificate of Assumed Name
Dec. 15191.73
Dec. 22207.00
Dec. 29$208.42
Jan. 5215.44
Refund 19.08
                                             Total:                          803.51
Total Expense: 803.51 for orders + 25 for filing= 828.51
December 29th:  $243.85 (opening balance for checking account.)
January 6th (end of first period) = 47.49 ($876 - $828.51)